Fier de collaborer à la "Out Campaign" - Proud participant in the "Out Campaign" - Go take a look

The Out Campaign: Scarlet Letter of Atheism


I'm involved in Richard Dawkin's web site

Richard Dawkins is sponsoring the "Out Campaign" with a goal of helping atheists come out of the closet. I translated professor Dawkin's introduction letter and you can find it here on the site.
Here is the first paragraph:
Pendant la période de la grande noirceur de 1940, le gouvernement pré-vichy a reçu un avertissement de ses généraux: « Dans moins de trois semaines, l’Angleterre se fera tordre le cou comme un vulgaire poulet ». Suite à la Bataille d’Angleterre, le premier Ministre Winston Chruchill a répondu de sa manière bourrue: «Tout un poulet, tout un cou! »

I invite you to go take a look at the site


Catholic church sees "hope" for unbaptized babies.

In this article from the Canadian Broadcasting Corp (CBC), it appears that pope Benedict is looking at changing centuries old roman Catholic LAW that unbaptized babies will never get to heaven and spend ETERNITY (that's a loooooong time folks) in limbo for :
  • a sin they did not commit
  • by people who did not exist
  • to a god nobody's ever seen and who most probably doesn't exist.
Now someone tell me. What happens to the supposed souls of babies who are NOW in limbo (supposedly) and to the religious parents of those babies who have been living a world of torture, anguish and pain 'knowing' their dead unbaptized babies would never meet them in heaven?

Religion is probably the most cruel human practice I know of.